If you are reading this blog post, then I assume you enjoy blogs, and hopefully like mine, which brings me to the main point of this post. You can now follow all of the blogs you love on one website: BlogLovin’. I was reading through some of my favorite fashion blogs when I saw someone had a link to BlogLovin’ on their website. Initially, I thought the link was for tracking website visits and felt that the feature alone was pretty cool and wanted that for my website, but after clicking the link, I discovered a whole new part to blogging. Through this website, you can easily stay on top of all of your favorite blogger’s content.

BlogLovin’ allows you to follow all of your favorite blogs in one place, making it a legit one-stop-shop experience. On each blog/blogger page, you can find all of their latest blog posts and some general information about the blog and blogger. If you are someone who likes to have everything in one confined space, then this website is for you. Or maybe your favorite blogger has tons of posts, and you want an easier way to navigate them. By following them on BlogLovin’, you can scroll and see all of the posts and click the one you want to read. It’s as easy as that.

Your BlogLovin’ Account

When you first make an account, the page is going to look like this. You are going to need to follow bloggers to see stuff pop up, but that’s the easy part. There are countless bloggers on the website, with new bloggers added every day. For instance, I added my blog, Bristylz, to the website today, having just discovered it. To search your favorite bloggers, all you need to do is type in their blog name in the search bar, then voila.

Additionally, the website will show you more blogs you may enjoy based on the ones you currently are following. That way, you are always discovering new content and fun blog posts that align with your interests. You can even use this website as a way of branching out. You never know what blog or topic you may stumble on and instantly love.

Let’s Connect!

Whether you are on BlogLovin’ already or are about to make an account, let’s connect! I love finding new ways to interact with you all and get my content across, making BlogLovin’ a great platform. To follow my blog on BlogLovin’, be sure to click the link below.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin!

Also, if you are a blogger yourself and are either on BlogLovin’ already or are now adding your blog, let me know! I would love to follow your blog and show my support. In the meantime, let’s be Instagram friends, follow my account at @brianna.m.harvey or click here.


Brianna Harvey

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